What to Look for in a Cannabis Nutrient Product

Is your cannabis nutrient really working for your legal commercial operation? Come on, be honest…

The best way to check is to study your plants. Here is what you should notice if your cannabis nutrient is truly worth its weight:

  1. Plants are sturdy. Plants that receive proper nutrients will have a wide girth with a strong main trunk. The plant shouldn’t look stretched; instead the nodes should be pretty close together.
  1. Just the right shade of green. Well-nurtured cannabis plants should be a healthy shade of green. They shouldn’t get overly green or too light green, and they certainly shouldn’t start turning shades of red, which can denote a phosphorous deficiency.
  1. Healthy Colas. Obviously healthy plants should make heavy, beautiful colas that are densely stacked.

If your cannabis plants don’t look quite right, your cannabis nutrient product could be working harder for you. Learn more about the most effective nutrient on the market, designed specially for cannabis plants.

CannaSensation Editor: