Are Your Cannabis Plants Getting the Nutrients They Need?

When you’re growing your legal cannabis crop, you know that your plants need a bevy of nutrients: nitrogen, potassium and calcium, along with a slew of other micronutrients. You may apply a combination product or several different nutrient mixes.

But no matter what you’re feeding your plant, there’s the possibility that your plant isn’t receiving the nutrients if the mixture isn’t properly balanced for a cannabis plant. Here’s why:

Each nutrient in fertilizer contains ions of the stated nutrients bound to salt particles. When mixed with water, these nutrients become balanced by the water ions and available for use by the plant. Sometimes, though, these nutrients aren’t properly balanced specifically for cannabis plants.

Ions of nutrients become bound with other ions and unavailable for the plant to use. That means your plant isn’t receiving all the nutrients it needs – and that you’re spending more money on more nutrients for your plants.

One solution is to search the fertilizer market for a cannabis specific nutrient product. A good cannabis product will provide all the required nutrients in a way that makes them available specifically for the cannabis plant. To save yourself money, improve the yield of your plants, and reduce your ecological footprint as a grower, it’s worth looking into!

CannaSensation Editor: